Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wow! Has it been that many already?

I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would have been writing this post one day!

I have now been writing for five years! Yes, that's right! Five whole years.

In that time I have contributed both to PETS Magazine, a bi-monthly Canadian pet health magazine, as well as contributing weekly to Yahoo! Canada's Lifestyle site under the "Pets" channel.

I am elated and proud to say that in this time I have managed to be published over 150 times! I really am in awe of this myself!

I can say honestly that I remember the first time I saw my work in print and was ecstatic; reaching 10 published pieces was a huge milestone. Now to look back and see how much that number has grown is very rewarding.

At this point I really can't seem to even envision what my life would look like not writing. It has become a part of me, and who I am. It is a great outlet to help share the knowledge I have gained in my time working with animals, as well as their pet parents, which is a true passion for me.

Sometimes you never know what road life will take you on, but I am sure glad that this has been such an enjoyable ride!

I continue to look forward to future stories I can share with like minded pet fanatics like me!

If you require any veterinary medical related articles dealing with care, treatment, or behavior please contact me at